This is a compilation of acronyms and abbreviations commonly used within the Spectro:o Web Administration Platform.
DMS: Digital Media Signage
Schedule: is the area in the application where the operating schedule of the players is configured, a schedule that once created, must be assigned to the group of players you want to add content.
Player, Terminal: hardware component capable of synchronizing multimedia content with the server and displaying it locally via the HDMI cable on the screen to which it is connected.
Player groups: represents the area of the application where photo / video / audio content is distributed to several players at once through playlists.
Playlist: represents the playlist composed of all the “inherited” video and photo files from all sources (playlist from the player, from the base group, from the auxiliary groups, from the central groups) that can be played on a Spectro: a player either sequentially, either in a mixed or user-generated order.
Content management: represents the starting point in the process of uploading photo / video / audio content from the outside to the platform, in order to become available for allocation in playlists.
Video: represents section where he user uploads video files in the application and also the local library of video and photo files (after processing) of the client.
Images: represents the point of loading the photo files in the application, and also the point where the pictures are parameterized, i.e. choose the category (price / generic) and set the display time of the picture for when it will be allocated in a playlist .
Fillers: represents the section with images that are used specifically in playlists where paid content is available, in which case there are only videos in the playlist and the entire range from 1-50 seconds cannot be covered with content, so as not to have a black screen, it automatically adds fillers in the order in which these fillers are uploaded to the platform in the playlist.
Audio-upload: represents the loading point of audio files in the platform.
Audio-Playlists: represents the area from where you configure mp3 or radio audio playlists, playlists that are then assigned to the group of players you want to play.
Global library: is a library where the Spectro:o DMS administrator adds photo or video content, which can be taken by any customer on his account by simply “activating” – click on the check mark, and that content becomes available in the customer’s video files.
Users: the application administration area of the application (add, reset password).
Indoor layouts: the loading point of location maps, maps that you can then use to signal the exact location of players in internal plans.
Sponsor: refers to the entity that supports (pays, initiates, etc.) the streaming of the video in the content distribution system. Each Sponsor has a user account with limited rights in the system and is only able to track reports on the locations and dates referring to its broadcast spots.